An accountancy practice with a difference. 

With our head office based in Linford Wood, Milton Keynes, we are the accountancy practice with a difference. We couldn’t be further from the image of old accountants, who produced mountains of paperwork and equally big accounting bills. If you have ever been confused by your accounts, then it’s time to try something very different. 
Our aim is to make accountancy accessible and to make it work for you. We make good use of the latest technology to ensure your business is always up-to-date, that you have the most effective financial systems, and can see into the future! We’ll be on your side every step of the way, by helping you form clear goals and planning how your business can best meet them. 

John Pratt Managing Director  


Krishan Mistry Client Manager  


Sarah Radford  Practice Manager  


Jamie Hogan Client Manager  


Isabel Jones  Operation Manager  


Kyle Gray  Client Manager  


Jess Dunkley  Client Manager  


Eugenia Stanciu Senior Bookkeepper